It’s all in the tongue

Did you know your tongue's resting position can impact everything from chewing and swallowing to the way you look, sleep, breathe, and speak? It can impact your overall quality of life. But with specialized training, called myofunctional therapy, the abnormal tongue position, oral rest posture - lip seal, nasal breathing, and proper swallowing can be corrected to improve your overall quality of life.

The "spot" is known as the proper resting tongue position. Not only does the tongue learn its proper "spot" during myofunctional therapy, but the orofacial muscles are strengthened and taught to function properly, helping to create a more balanced, better functioning, healthier you!

Schedule your FREE 30-Minute Consultation today
This complimentary session is a great opportunity to allow you to ask questions and help you to learn more about myofunctional therapy. You will learn more about MyoFit's myofunctional therapist and if MyoFit is the right fit for you. I am confident you will be assured that you will be in great hands and that you will be provided with the best quality care to lead you to a better, healthier you. A comprehensive evaluation is needed to access and decide how many sessions will be needed, as well as come up with an individualized treatment plan.

Do you think you have an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder?